down to the town in the upptown, bejbi!

Today Jepp And Long riding på their lowriders down till the city in upptown. The solen was shine like alltid in norby typ, but  when we kom out from the streets in vår hood the molnen cover the heaven. So we take a little easy beslut att take a fast hour trip to Las Palmas. So now we had en littlebit nice bränna! When we come back to our town, down town in upptown. We måste get some food i us tänkte vi typ lite. Så we hazzla oss till two grande kebabiosos tallrish vilket var så jäla grejt. With food in our magsikar (magsäck) we had a big smile in our faces and vi walk stright the long walking street and just make a flabbing. We flabbing since we precis had on our mind that our badnicefettstora sneakers collection at home need som nya shoesnören, Now the collection is shineing again! Nice nice!
We tooke a fast bath in fyrislake and made some grils crazy, like alltid!

Back home in the norbyhood we take a walk with our bad crazy killer dogs. And jag lovar that we scered the shit ur småkids!

Ok, let us be ärlig with you, man. We dont have so much trubble with the cops på realy länge, but today it var dubble trubble, first at the pasport in Las Palmas, but that is a diffrent story, then goodnight!

Postat av: Lisa

PRECIS, tack för det bästaste vän!

åh jag är så lucky, han ligger här brevid mig och snusar sen länge. Själv chillar jag med bloggish, skönt att ha en till att läsa nu, ska lägg länka er! SES IMORGON - FULLT ÖS, ARBETSLÖS!

2008-06-22 @ 23:46:38
Postat av: Lisa again

hahahhahaa did you have some bad trubles with the cops GUYS!? LOVE YOUR BLAAGG TO THE LAAGG

2008-06-22 @ 23:49:32
Postat av: Julia

De ä tydligt att denna blogg kommer hamna i mina favoriter.


2008-06-23 @ 14:04:57

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