Ludde is breaking the law

Just for a second sen, Ludde was pulled över by a snut and got real scerad. Ludde was screamed out in the car "hide the beer, police are fucks will take shit down!!" Ofc Lisa got pissed of and real sceard started to skrika ut to the drug-dealers in the car (me, adam, the cool gangsta) "lightdown the spliff!!" I sad to the bitch in the backseat back to shut up and be still...
By now Ludde was so rädd that he däckade and i was tvungen to talk to the police... typical Ludde.
I klev out of the bil and sad "sjut en snut" the polis got even more sceard and turned the bil away.. just as i thought. PUzzYs!
Time has come to light the spliff!

Livng the dream when the the struggle continues


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